Coaching Individuals

After 13 years of experience in corporate, consulting and global roles with multiple large corporations and Fortune 500s – I have come to a realization that the business world needs individuals with Competence, Courage and Compass to lead with Character.

I am not a conventional coach to teach you tips, tricks, and street-smart attitudes to navigate in work or life; I believe you are capable of doing that on your own.

I can be your co-conspirator and/or soundboard to unstuck you from your fears, beliefs, assumptions, and norms that are preventing you from playing it right & strong. I can help you see first and then face the facts around ‘as-is’ and also co-think to chart out self-experiments to leap into the next level. My strive throughout the journey with you is to build self-sufficiency in you so that you can willingly take on bigger challenges and lead from the front. Afterwards, it should shift towards a light nudge.

Given my understanding of a contemporary woman, you need 3 areas to focus on:

Leading Self: Taking decisions that build Character

Here is a little story to leading self.

I have made numerous decisions in my life which never conformed to prevalent practices. Right from choosing my career in Mechanical Engineering to rolling-up sleeves, wearing safety gear and doing walkthroughs in manufacturing facilities (certainly in 100s!) to positioning myself as a Pay Warrior in front of the Board of Global 500 and entire equal pay ecosystem in a foreign land. Every single time, I was always in middle of something grander and complex than my then capacity and preparedness.

Yet, I surpassed all the situations with grace and leaped into higher potential.
Often, people have asked me ‘how’ has that been even possible (given my background). For me, this has always been on 3 pillars which guided all my life-decisions or choices. These are Dare, Dollar, Dignity. As I understood life, I evolved on the depth and breadth of each of these.

I have talked about my framework for the first time in my recently launched book Pay Warrior. The framework has been utilized in various scopes, contexts and experimented with many individuals whose life I have been able to touch.

While you define the course on Leading Self; 3 parts which I suggest to cover is

  • Your WHY? Source of your Why?
  • Your fears & relationships
  • Your experiments with self

Exceed in Value at Work

In my work experience over a decade, I have often found that many of us, particularly women, even in senior roles, we don’t even think about the value delivery. And, if think, we struggle to articulate it. If we can articulate, we struggle to claim it. And if stand to claim it, we are shot down by the authority.

I have lived through each step.
Apart from the last step, the first 3 steps around Value Delivery at Work sit in our sphere of control. Therefore, I strongly suggest that each woman must understand her value at work to the last bit. I always tell women I have coached “don’t leave any gap and then play hard”.

During my role in consulting, I got the opportunity to ‘think for the CXOs’ so that in turn they can justify or expand their authority due to value they delivered in the business. If you wish to get a sense of programs I delivered, please visit Skills and Expertise and Sample Projects Delivered

I am more than glad to bring the same expertise to you. I can be your safe space to discuss and problem solve technical, functional, leadership related work problems. I have worked in quite a few industries, sectors and various parts of value chain which has made me a rapid learner. I am quite certain that I can help you develop an independent perspective of your own rooted in data & facts to have a stronger foot in the door.

I am a strong believer in excellence; it expands our understanding, brings our attention onto gaps, and lead with focus.

While you define the course on Exceed in Value at Work; 3 parts which I suggest to cover is

  • Develop baseline: current role, performance and 3 focus areas (or gaps)
  • Define experiments in your current scope of work. Practice, Iterate, Refine
  • Establish differential in ‘Value of Work’

Let’s Meet

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Price: {{ service_details.bookingpress_service_price }}

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Date & Time
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Date & Time
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Appointment Details
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