A step towards shaping your role (purpose) in life

04.07.2005, we lost him forever

He was navigating us through thick n thin, he was making all important decisions and he was winning bread for the family
Growing up, he was my source of inspiration, I always saw him acting from a position of power and I wanted to be like him 1 day

I knew little that power (& to exercise it right) comes with great responsibility

After him, I struggled to define my role in family and society; once I got some courage & clarity, I too decided that
– I want to own my decisions
– I will take the role of the primary bread winner
– I will navigate my family through thick n thin

all 3 were so easier said than done. I made many wrong decisions (big & small), I know I am still so far from securing financial freedom for my family and I take active part in navigating family situations – I am still a work in progress across 3…

Till date,
I wonder how he was showing up in life when his father got severe dementia which raised family expenses by 100% and full time unpaid elderly care for 5 years (my dad used to do night duty & mom during day). He didn’t sleep for more than 2 hrs a day for 5 years…

I wonder how he managed to raise his 4 kids and my paternal aunt’s family of 5 in his 1 salary

I wonder how he managed to put a meal on the table every single day, morning & evening, with a big SMILE.

Yours are hard shoes to fill DAD
but, but I will keep trying



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