Don’t sell them your ambition so easy!

Dont sell your ambitions

Growing up as younger one, I had the privilege to observe journey of many elder cousins (mostly sisters)

One of my cousin, she was very intelligent and had an ambition to become a DOCTOR

Those days (1994/95) there were only 300-400 seats in government medical colleges across India so my cousin could not get through but she was eligible to get admission into a private college. This meant it was an expense of ~5 lakh rupees.

Her father (my uncle) was rich enough to pay her fees but his argument was “If I have to spend 5 lakhs, why should I not get her married in a rich family ” In India, daughters’ wedding is a big expense item. So, my cousin who was otherwise so loud & bold could not go against her father. She left her ambition and got married to a rich man.

Fast forward, her father passed away, her rich man lost all his richness. She studied post her marriage, now is a school teacher and primary bread winner for her family (kid and husband). I am very proud of her that she is now leading her family from the front

In India, parents still differ while investing in daughters’ and sons’ education rather on their potential, ambitions and interest.

Time to change how we think is NOW


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